Insights from anthropology and musicology
by Anna Apostolidou and Michalis Cholevas
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2023
“This book curates the inspiring and creative dialogue between two old friends and thoroughly explains current challenges around the written word as a hegemonic source of knowledge. It artfully explores the potential of visual language as an epistemology that is particularly suited to analyse and understand everyday sensory experiences.”
Liesbet van Zoonen
Professor of Cultural Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Apostolidou, Anna. 2022a. Bodies That Mutter: Poetic Autoethnography and Digital Textuality. Athens: Feminist Autonomous Center for Research
Apostolidou, Anna. 2022b. Reproducing Fictional Ethnographies: Surrogacy and Digitally Performed Anthropological Knowledge. Palgrave Macmillan.
The digital artefact stems from this research project can be accessed here
Protocol for the makam visualizations
Cholevas, Michail (Χολέβας, Μιχαήλ). "Makampedia: from taksim mastery to makam theory." (2022), PhD Dissertation.Download here Permanent link: DOI 10.12681/eadd/51954